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Ebook Deals Today UK | July 27, 2024

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Coming of Age

PACIFIC ODYSSEY: The Curious Journey of Lew 2.0 by Chet Nairene

April 21, 2024 |

Price: £3.15

“A ROCKET RIDE! ‘Poltergeist’ meets ‘Wall Street’ in a remote Asian kingdom. Nonstop fun and exotic glitz as Lewis N. Clarke, a brilliant but shallow American businessman, becomes ‘Lew 2.0 in a Tropical Wonderland’. Don’t miss it!” — … Read More

A Fool’s Dream: Book 2 (Dreams) by Vilincia Patrick

November 2, 2019 |

Realtime Price: £2.33

At 19 years old, Paul McKinsey Jr. has it all. Good looks, money, charisma, and intellect to match, this pre-law student from Aurora Court will set the world on fire. And yet, he finds he has a … Read More

Ballardvale Blues by Rachel Veznaian

June 24, 2018 |

Realtime Price: £3.86

Coming of age doesn’t always happen in your teens. For Addie, Kate, Sam, Jessica, and Danny, college has ended and the future is coming whether they’re ready or not. Read More

The Madness of Grief by Panayotis Cacoyannis

June 19, 2018 |

Realtime Price: £1.99

July 1969. While men are walking on the moon, life in London for sixteen-year-old Jane takes unexpected turns. On the point of falling in love with her best friend Karl, Read More

Tabula Rasa: Memoirs of a College Freshman by Dan Wayley

December 29, 2017 |

Realtime Price: £2.24

A year that changed everything…

Set at a religious, liberal-arts university, Tabula Rasa tells a story of growing up Read More

Sylvie by K. Langston

February 18, 2017 |

Realtime Price: £2.14




Will she ever find a way to overcome the guilt? Read More

All I Longed For Long Ago Was You by L.C. Moore

March 5, 2016 |

Realtime Price: FREE

Teenage Odette DuJardin and her family suffer under the repressive Vichy regime in Nazi occupied France. Read More

The Pygmy Dragon (Shapeshifter Dragon Legends Book 1) by Marc Secchia

November 27, 2015 |

Realtime Price: £3.05

Yesterday, a Dragon kidnapped me from my cage in a zoo. Read More

Second Hand Stops: Book I: Benefactor (The Van Burens 1) by Katie St. Claire

April 23, 2015 |

Realtime Price: £3.27

Julia Malone is abandoned on the door of an old English manor but she’s not alone for long. Five telepathic children soon arrive to form a paranormal family of makeshift misfits. Read More