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Weed Out The Users The Couch Potatoes And The Losers by Gregg Michaelsen

selfhelp dating ebook Weed Out The Users The Couch Potatoes And The Losers by Gregg Michaelsen

Realtime Price: £3.06

Weed Out the Users, The Couch Potatoes and The Losers!

Weed Out The Users The Couch Potatoes And The Losers: Expose And Dump Toxic Men In Your Life (Relationship and Dating Advice for Women Book Book 17)

Every day, I receive emails from readers who have been caught up in the tricks of users and losers. Intelligent women who fall for the chiseled good looks, the boyish grins, and smooth lines are desperate to understand what they did wrong.

The answer is simple – you chose the wrong man – and that is your only mistake!

You’ll meet a user – you’ll probably meet many and you may even have an enjoyable night or two with a couple of them, but he won’t date you – not in the way you want to be dated anyway. He won’t meet your parents. He’ll say he likes your cat when he doesn’t. And then one day, he will stop calling and returning your texts. Even though you had a feeling, a hunch he was using you, it will still hurt like hell because you’ve been used, and that just sucks. After you do this enough times, you’ll die for a decent man.

When a woman dates blindly, she gives up her heart too fast without a proper screening mechanism. She compromises her boundaries just to keep a man in her life. She chases and nurtures a bad man when she should be screening him and potentially dumping his ass if he doesn’t make the cut.

There is no guide, until now, to help women weed out the users and losers. Women are wasting days, weeks, months, and even years of their lives getting played because they don’t understand how to properly expose men who currently are not, and may never be emotionally available.

Until now!

This book is that guide. This book fixes what’s wrong with dating. This book ends your frustration!

Inside this dating advice book, I have included the characteristics of not only these toxic men but Mr. Right as well. I want you to be able to recognize just which guys are worth your time and which ones don’t deserve one friggin’ ounce of your energy.

Here’s what you’re going to learn inside:

* The 4 types of men – 2 to avoid, 1 that can be converted, and Mr Right
* The patterns of their behaviors so you can categorize each
* How to expose them before you commit
* How to recognize, attract, and keep Mr. Right
* Learn how to “build yourself” so Mr. Right will come
* The 8 things high value men look for in a woman
* How to spot the ever dangerous narcissist

But, I take it even further than that! You’re also asking me to help you dump these idiots, so that’s here too, as well as much more! I will help you understand why your milestone tally is leading you astray, what 6 things most often cause relationships to fail, and what high value men consider when looking for Ms. Right.

Stop trying to impress him and start making him impress you!

Genre: Non-fiction, Selfhelp, Relationship

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