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Ebook Deals Today UK | February 23, 2025

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Negative Equity – What the Banks Don’t Tell You by John Cosstick

Negative Equity - What the Banks Don't Tell You by John Cosstick

Realtime Price: £3.67

Are you stuck in negative equity, or worried that it could happen to you?

John Cosstick’s latest eBook explains exactly how negative equity can happen to you and the best ways to get yourself out of this difficult situation. This straight-forward guide is written to help you save money on your mortgage payments so you can get out of negative equity as quickly as possible.

As a retired Certified Financial Planner, John is the perfect person to help you understand when you need the assistance of a certified financial planner (CFP). A CFP should be at the centre of your advice strategy to guide you through the minefield of different risks associated with mortgage types, interest rates and saving for retirement. A CFP will work with your taxation accountant to ensure you get the best after tax results. John also gives useful advice about how you might be able to source extra income to help you pay off your debts, while also managing your work-life balance.

John raises questions such as whether or not you can move house when you are in negative equity, how you can best manage your financial risk and how to prepare for interest rate rises. All of these topics are put into the context of today’s ‘new economy’ and how that can change the way you view financial risk and the management of your home loan.

About the Author:

John Cosstick is the author of a successful website on freelancing and work at home business solutions, He has also produced websites on innovation and identity theft.

In his long and varied career he has been a banker, an accountant, a certified financial planner and a private property trust administrator. John is now a professional freelance journalist and author. He has a deep understanding of the issues facing home owners in today’s economy.

His aim is to help those who have found themselves in negative equity in an economy and workforce which have changed almost beyond recognition in the last 20 years. He is aware that it is particularly difficult for those affected by economic downturn (e.g. farmers caught in a cycle of droughts or floods, people living in areas where the local industries such as manufacturing, mining or ship building have collapsed, or those living in isolated communities).

The goal with this eBook is to help those people, who are now empowered, through the power of the internet, to change their circumstances.

John Cosstick is keen to give hope to those who are finding it hard to manage their financial risk, and to show that there are many opportunities to save and to find additional income if you know where to find it.

Genre: Personal Financial, Budgeting

Negative Equity – What the Banks Don’t Tell You: How to Take Control of Your Home Loan Repayments and Budget by John Cosstick

Amazon UK

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